REALIGN explored the theme of sustainability in conjunction with the campus wide initiative which aimed to educate and create a more sustainable community.
Production was performed in November 2017.
Additional Links:
- School of the Arts Blog Post

Pieces & Choreographers
Click each piece to view its' production photos
Choreographer: Michael Nicerson- Rossi
(Guest Artist)
Choreographer: Leslie Jones (Faculty)
Choreographer: Jessica Cerovic (Faculty)
Choreographer: Anna Brown (Student)
Choreographer: Erin Leigh (Faculty)
Choreographer: Pamela O' Briant (Faculty)
Choreographer: Kristin Alexander (Faculty)
Choreographer: Doris Humphrey and Ruth St. Denis
Reconstructor: Gretchen McLaine(Faculty)
(Reconstructed using the Labanotation score)