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The concert was centered on the ideas of physical, personal and artistic freedoms that reside within each artist. Unbound: unearthed featured faculty, guest artist, and select student choreography, including works presented at the 2010 American College Dance Festival.

Production was performed in March 2010.


                                                 Additional Link:

       - School of the Arts Blog Post

Pieces & Choreographers

Click each piece to view its' production photos


Choreographer: Lindsay Taylor (Student)

Apathetic Dissonance

Choreographer: Gretchen McLaine (Faculty) and dancers


From Within

Choreographer: Sara Bennett (Student)

Pas de Quarte

Choreographer: Robert Ivey (Faculty) after Jules Perrott


Choreographer: Eliza Ingle (Faculty) 

Beauty in the Brokenness

Choreographer: Julie DeLizza (Student)

In Small Packages

Choreographer: Kristin Alexander (Faculty)


Step in Time

Choreographer: Ashley Stock (Faculty)

Three Separate Solos (Entropy, Rapid, & Joie de Vivre)

Choreographer: Gretchen McLaine (Faculty)

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